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  • What is Lingo Switch?
    Lingo switch is a card game that helps children and adults alike learn animal names in English and African languages through card matching
  • My child doesn't speak any African language, will they be able to play?
    The game is ideal for English speaking children to learn African languages so this will be helpful for kids to learn
  • Which languages will be available in the near future?
    · isiZulu · isiXhosa · Afrikaans · Setswana · Sesotho · Siswati · isiNdebele · Sepedi · Xitsonga · Tshivenda
  • Is the game only going to be available in African languages?
    No, more languages will be added to the game
  • What age group is the game ideal for?
    The game is ideal for ages 6 and above
  • Why is the game not ideal for younger children?
    · Younger children can still play the game but they will rely on adults to play the game with them as the ability to read is important · For ages 6 and above children would be able to play the game amongst themselves as they would be able to read the writings on the cards · For ages younger than 6 adults will be required to facilitate the game as the children will rely on them to read the cards for them
  • Is there a lot of reading in African languages on the cards?
    · No, the only reading in African languages is only the name of the animals · There is nothing else that will be in the African languages
  • What if my child struggles to read the African languages?
    The animal names are spaced out with the use of hyphens so they are easier to read and pronounce
  • Can adults play the game?
    Yes, the game is ideal for the entire family to play and enjoy
  • Is there a video version of the rules of the game available?
    Yes we have a video version of the rules available on YouTube, you can watch it here:
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